
Earthbind® Stabilizer Prime

Technical Data Sheet

Typical Uses
Earthbind® Stabilizer is a quality, versatile bituminous modified biopolymer soil stabilization agent that can also be used as a penetrating prime cure.

Earthbind® Stabilizer is a bio-based bituminous modified biopolymer emulsion. Earthbind® Stabilizer is sold as a concentrate and diluted with water. The amount of water used for dilution is dependent upon the type of application. Earthbind® concentrate has an excellent storage life and the emulsion does not break under freeing conditions.

Typical Application
Earthbind® is shipped in concentrate and diluted with water prior to application. To prime an unpaved surface, Earthbind® is diluted to make a 4:1 solution (20%) and applied in two, 0.25- gallon per square yard application (total 0.5 gallons solution per square yard). For paved surfaces, we recommend a 4:1 solution (20%) and applied in one, 0.10-gallon per square yard application.


Tests on Earthbind® Stabilizer emulsion:

Viscosity, Saybolt Furol @ 77 FMinimum90
Particle Chargenon-ionic 
Sieve testMinimum0.00
Residue by DistillationMinimum60
Oil DistillateMinimum0.25%

Tests on residue from distillation test:

Penetration @77 FMinimum100
Ductility @77 FMinimum 40
Solubility in trichloroethyleneMinimum99.2

Health & Safety Information

Please refer to Earthbind® Stabilizer MSDS

Fish Toxicity Information

Earthbind® Stabilizer is considered non-toxic to fish. Toxicity test data and results are on file and available upon request.

