Earthbind® 100 and Earthbind® Stabilizer was innovated and is manufactured by EnviRoad L.L.C. in Portland, Oregon. EnviRoad, LLC is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company.
Earthbind® 100 and Earthbind® Stabilizer are specifically made to be an effective environmentally-friendly dust control palliative and soil stabilizer. Earthbind® is considered to be a bio-based modified bituminous emulsion.
Earthbind® is sold as a liquid concentrate and is diluted with water for application purposes. Earthbind® is ideal for industrial and government sectors needing an environmentally-safe and effective replacement for current dust control products currently on the market and especially for less environmentally- friendly products such as calcium or magnesium chlorides.
- Earthbind® has been approved by numerous governmental agencies. Currently Earthbind® is listed or approved by:
- New York Department of Environmental Conservation
- West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
- New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
- Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
- Nevada Department of Transportation
- Oregon Department of Transportation
- New York Department of Transportation
- New Mexico Environment Department
- Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, LTD.
- Kuwait Environmental Protection Agency
- Pima County Department of Environmental Quality
- Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control board-California.
- The BNSF Railway
- Bureau of Land Management
Please note that it is our desire to have more approvals however currently only a handful of state agencies such as department of transportation or environmental agencies offer approvals. The majority of environmental or transportation departments, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency do not presently have approval processes for dust control or soil stabilizer products. Also keep in mind that Earthbind® products are not prohibited by any municipal, county, state or federal environmental agency.
Following is a brief overview of Earthbind® in regards to the environment:
Earthbind® is considered to be environmentally-friendly. After application, once Earthbind® cures, becomes virtually insoluble in rainwater and any leaching is negligible. To demonstrate this, we have analyzed Earthbind® using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) (EPA SW-846/method 1311). The TCLP test simulate and analyze leaching characteristics.
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and Test Results
TCLP testing is designed to simulate the leaching of both organic and inorganic analytes in a solid, liquid, or multi-phasic material that resides in a landfill for a number of years. The TCLP procedure is the only leaching procedure specified by regulation for characterizing hazardous waste. If the analysis of the extract shows that the concentration of the volatile, semi-volatile, and metal analyte exceeds regulatory level for that compound, then the material is considered hazardous under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations.
TCLP data on Earthbind® show no analyte whether heavy metals, volatiles or semi-volatile organics are detected or exceed regulatory levels. TCLP tests were also run to show additional information that rainwater runoff or infiltration is not a concern when Earthbind® has cured.
Fish and Macroinvertebrate Toxicity Testing
Earthbind® has also been subjected to toxicity testing on freshwater fish and water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia). Results have been exceptional. For example, the toxicity results for Earthbind® 100 (LC50) is greater than 5,000 ppm on rainbow trout, fathead minnows, and water flea. On Earthbind® Stabilizer the toxicity results for rainbow trout was 2,240 ppm, 3,420 ppm for fathead minnows, and greater than 5,000 ppm on water flea.
Please note that for toxicity tests, the greater the LC50, the less toxic a substance is considered to be. The US Environmental Protecting Agency categorizes the relative toxicity of chemicals to fish as the following:
Toxicity Rating | LC50 |
Slightly toxic | 10 to 100 ppm |
Moderately toxic | 1 to 10 ppm |
Highly toxic | 0.1 to 1.0 ppm |
Extremely toxic | less than 0.1 ppm |
When comparing Earthbind® toxicity results with the USEPA toxicity ratings we can conclude that Earthbind® is considered to be safe to fish.