Yellowstone National Park
Road rebuilding from flood damage with Earthbind® Stabilization June-July 2022
Initial Contact from National Park Service
- We were contacted from NPS to submit a plan to stabilize the access road for the employees with Earthbind® Stabilization on 6-23-22.
- Environmental meetings were set and approved for Earthbind® applications.
- Global Stabilization began the process to mobilize equipment from Seattle where we were finishing up terminal stabilization for The BNSF Railway and transporting tankers fro Enviroad in Portland to deliver the product to the site in Gardiner Montana.
- Internal company Blue Line Transportation began the shipping process to Gardner Montana.
Work begins on Thursday 6-23 and completes Friday 7-1-22
- The 4 mile road x 16’ wide leading to the offices in Mammoth Montana had been widened and graded with 4” 3⁄4 AB rock.
- We applied a total application of a 0.20 gallon EB-S at a 5:1 dilution. Our normal recommended rate for extreme duty is 0.15 however due to the steep terrain and tight hairpin turns, I elected to increase the application to the .20 gallons per square yard.
- Global Stabilization applied the total rate in 4 multi applications allowing the product to penetrate the aggregate in a slow manner to avoid a slippery or tacky surface that may come with too heavy an application.
Application timing constraints due to emergency schedule to open roads
- It was imperative that our decisions had to be failsafe due to the timing.
- We assessed the condition of the roads, moisture and impending weather and made our infield decisions based on our experience.
- The weather was excellent with high temperatures in the 70-80’s and strong winds at 20 mph to help dry the solution quickly.
- We were able to open the road periodically for employees to continue to access their jobs at the main offices in Mammoth.
- The traffic tires actually helped press in the EB-S and assist in drying.
Final Application of the higher rate of 0.20 gal/square yard at the 5:1 dilution.
- Our final application pass adhered to the previous passes and looks and performs as Earthbind® Stabilization technology was designed.
- The following Tuesday, 7-5-22 after our completed date of Friday July 1, 2022 we received a call from National Park Service supervisor of the project that the weekend traffic went perfectly and the surface has held up exceptionally well and they are extremely pleased with the product and the exemplary effort the everyone on the Enviroad, Blue Line and Global Stabilization teams produced under extreme tight schedules to help with the National disaster that hit this area of Montana.