New Equipment for Cement and Earthbind® Stabilization Using Pug Mill Mixing, In addition to dust control, full depth reclamation, (FDR), and ambient temperature paving.
Cement Silo for Pug Mill Mixing
Brownfield Site Cleanup Alternative:
We are introducing a new method for Portland cement stabilization in soils. This involves storing the cement in a silo next to the pug mill and metering it into the pug mill hopper using the onboard computer system.
This new equipment enhances our ability to meet various mixing requirements, particularly for Brownfield sites. We can target different contaminants with specific stabilization methods, using either cement or Earthbind® Stabilization in the pug mill.

This approach allows for two cleanup methods:
- Transport to an Approved Landfill: Clean up materials for safe transport.
- In Situ Processing: Process materials onsite by excavating, reducing size with an onsite track impact crusher, and delivering the material into the pug mill. The processed materials, mixed with Portland cement or Earthbind®, are then returned to the excavation site, compacted, and restored to acceptable use.