Earthbind® Stabilizer
Earthbind® Stabilizer is a quality, versatile and environmentally-friendly modified biopolymer dust control agent. Earthbind® Stabilizer was developed to meet the need for a quality and environmentally-friendly product that can be safely stored and easily applied. Earthbind® Stabilizer is applied to successfully combat fugitive dust and stabilize the road surface on many different types of unpaved, low-volume roads, parking lots, railroad yards, etc., throughout industrial, mining, military, private and public market sectors.

Earthbind® Stabilizer is formulated with environmentally-friendly, biopolymers, and surfactants. As a dust palliative and soil stabilizer Earthbind® Stabilizer works by binding loose soil or aggregate particles together, strengthening the soil/aggregate matrix and preventing even the smallest particles from becoming airborne as fugitive dust. In addition, Earthbind® Stabilizer will add water resistance to the treated soil particles and will not re-solubilize in rainwater and wash off the road after curing. This is especially important in areas where the mitigation of sediment runoff from unpaved roads into streams is imperative.
Earthbind® Stabilizer is sold and transported in a concentrate and is diluted in water prior to application. In addition to suppressing dust, Earthbind® can also be used as an environmentally-friendly base stabilizer.
As a dust palliative Earthbind® Stabilizer provides:
- Superior dust cohesion and suppression
- Efficient dust control under a variety of conditions
- Excellent penetration of a road surface without pre-watering
- Applies quickly without road closures using a water truck or pressurized distributor truck
- Easily washes off of equipment and vehicles before curing
All components of Earthbind® are considered:
- Free of hazardous solvents
- Non-flammable
- Non-corrosive to metal
- Non-hazardous waste
- Not considered to be harmful to aquatic and mammal life
- Not considered to be carcinogenic
- Railway Track Road Stabilization
- Mining Application Protocols: Topical and “Mini Stabilization” Techniques
- Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturing
- TopicalDeep Stabilization Application Protocols
- Earthbind® Safety Data Sheet
- Earthbind® Stabilizer Product Information Packet
- Earthbind® MSDS
- QAS Registration Certificate